The Power Of Produce (POP) Club is a nationally recognized kids program started at the Oregon City Farmers Market in May 2011, to empower kids to make healthy food choices, introducing them to where their food comes from. It’s free for kids 5 years to 12 years to join.
If you’re interested in volunteering to help with the POP Club, please fill out this interest form.
This program is now being implemented in many farmers markets across the US and in Canada. So far, in 2023, we’ve served 2,000 kids. We’re raising the next generation of farmers market shoppers.
KIDS, between the ages of 5-12yrs :
- Sign their “Passport To Health”. We keep the Passport at the Market’s Info. Booth to track participation during the summer months
- Receive $2 in wooden tokens EVERY time they come to market to spend on fresh fruits and vegetables and food plants.
- During May-October, kids can participate in value-creating activities based around food, nutrition and food growing. Every Saturday during the summer market season, kids will have the opportunity to engage in activities such as seed planting, flour-grinding, pancake-making, market scavenger hunts, how to make freezer jam and homemade bread, vegetable peeling and food related crafts
- Children may earn a 3rd 1.00 token upon completion of the day’s activity to spend on additional fresh produce and veggie plant starts
More About the Program
OnPoint Credit Union, OSU Extension Services and Clackamas County Soil and Water Conservation District have funded 2023/2024 POP Club in addition to customers and supporters who donate small amounts at the market. Our program is entirely grant funded and can only exist from generous support and donations from our community and partners.
Support POP
Please note you can make a deductible donation to the POP Club at the Market, with our online donation form (note that your donation is for the POP Club in the comments section of the form). If you would prefer to send in a donation, please make your check out to OCFM and mail with your return address to PO Box 2931, Oregon City, Oregon, 97045.
Thank you for your support.